Our research approach is co-production of policy relevant research. Co-production means that our research is informed by civil society organisations, sometimes after joint deliberation in workshops and roundtables. Our research is published in peer-review scientific journals and books, and listed below. Popular science and policy reports are listed under ’Other publications’ below.
Alfredsson, E. C., Lindvall, D., Karlsson, M. & Malmaeus, M. J. (2024). Industrial climate mitigation strategies and the remaining fair carbon budget–The case of Sweden. Next Sustainability, 3, 100031. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nxsust.2024.100031
Rex, A. & Westlund, H. (2024). Coworking and local development outside metropolitan areas in Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies (105), 103185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103185
Colding, J., Nilsson, C. & Sjöberg, S. (2024). Smart Cities for All? Bridging Digital Divides for Socially Sustainable and Inclusive Cities. Smart Cities, 7(3), 1044-1059. https://doi.org/10.3390/smartcities7030044
Lindvall, D., Sörqvist, P. & Barthel, S. (2024). Overcoming the headwinds: Can policy design shape public acceptance of wind power in Sweden? Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103674
Egegård, C. H., Lindborg, M., Gren, Å., Marcus, L., Pont, M. B. & Colding, J. (2024). Climate Proofing Cities by Navigating Nature-Based Solutions in a Multi-Scale, Social– Ecological Urban Planning Context: A Case Study of Flood Protection in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden. Land, 13(2), 143. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13020143
Nilsson, C., Levin, T., Colding, J., Sjöberg, S. & Barthel, S. (2024). Navigating complexity with the four pillars of social sustainability. Sustainable Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2982
Samuelsson, K., Brandt, A. S., Barthel, S., Linder, N., Lim, N. J., Hallman, D. & Giusti, M. (2024). Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types. Geography and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geosus.2024.05.002
Lindgren, O., Elwing, E., Karlsson, M. & Jagers S. (2024). Public acceptability of climate-motivated rationing. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11: 1252: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-03823-7
Mendy, L., Karlsson, M. & Lindvall, D. (2024). Counteracting climate denial: A systematic review. Public Understanding of Science 33:4 https://doi.org/10.1177/09636625231223425
Feder, C., Callegari, B. & Collste, D. (2024). The system dynamics approach for a global evolutionary analysis of sustainable development. J Evol Econ 34, 351–374 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-024-00866-6
Emilsson, K., Hildingsson, R. & Fritz, M. (2024). The active, the sympathetic, and the reluctant: Political action and ecosocial attitudes among Swedish residents. European Political Studies Journal. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755773924000213
Lindvall, D., Sörqvist, P., Jagers, S., Lindeberg, S.,Karlsson, M., Sjöberg, S. & Barthel, S. (2024). The Role of Fairness for Accepting Stricter Carbon Taxes in Sweden. Climate 12, 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli12110170
Zeitfogel, C., Daw, T. & Collste D. (2024). What do you mean “Climate Change”? An analysis of climate change framings in three climate assemblies. Environmental Science & Policy 162:103936. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103936
Hahn, T., Morfeldt, J., Höglund, R., Karlsson, M. & Fetzer, I. (2024). Estimating countries’ additional carbon accountability for closing the mitigation gap based on past and future emissions. Nature Communication 15:9707. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-54039-x
Nässén, N., Lilja, M., Sjöberg, S. & Colding, J. (2024). Community climate commons for collective climate action. Sustainable Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.3227
Lindvall, Daniel (2023). What motivates urban climate leaders? A study of urban climate governance in eight Swedish municipalities. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/19463138.2023.2253755
Lindvall, Daniel & Karlsson, Mikael (2023). Exploring the democracy-climate nexus: a review of correlations between democracy and climate policy performance. Climate Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2023.2256697
Cong, C., Pan,H., Page, J., Barthel, S., Kalantari, Z (2023). Modeling place-based nature-based solutions to promote urban carbon neutrality. Ambio 52 (8), 1297-1313 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-023-01872-x
Pan, H., Page, J., Shi, R., Barthel, S., et al. (2023). Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 862– 870. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01737-x
Karlsson M (2023) Denialism. In N. Wallenhorst & C. Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans Between Heritage and Future (s. 645-649). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25910-4
Hahn, T., Sioen, G.B., Gasparatos, A., Elmqvist, T., Brondizio, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Folke, C., Setiawati, M.D., Atmaja, T., Arini, E.Y., Jarzebski, M.P., Fukushi, K., Takeuchi, K. (2023). Insurance value of biodiversity in the Anthropocene is the full resilience value. Ecological Economics, Volume 208, 107799. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107799
Karlsson M, Westling N., Lindgren O (2023). Climate- Related Co-Benefits and the Case of Swedish Policy. Climate 11, 40. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli11020040
Lindgren, O., Hahn, T., Karlsson, M., Malmaeus, M. (2023). Exploring sufficiency in Energy Policy: Insights from Sweden. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy 19(1):2212501, https://doi.org/10.1080/15487733.2023.2212501
Lindvall, Daniel, (2023). Why municipalities reject wind power: A study on municipal acceptance and rejection of wind power installments in Sweden. Energy policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113664
Basnet, S., Wood, A., Röös, E., Jansson, T., Fetzer, I., & Gordon, L. (2023). Organic agriculture in a low-emission world: Exploring combined measures to deliver a sustainable food system in Sweden. Sustainability Science 18(1), 501-519. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-022-01279-9
Mosnier A, Javalera-Rincon V, Jones S, Basnet, S., Fetzer I, et al. (2023) A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems, Environ. Res. Lett. 18 045001, https://doi/org/10.1088/1748-9326/acc044
Colding, J., Barthel, S., Ljung, R., Eriksson, F., Sjöberg, S. (2022). Urban Commons and Collective Action to Address Climate Change. Social Inclusion https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v10i1.4862
D’Amato, D., Matthies, B. D., Hahn, T., Toppinen, A. (2022). Private governance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Findings from Nordic Forest companies. Frontiers in Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2022.945374
Kronsell A, Hildingsson R (2022) Green theory. In: Hay, C., Lister, M., & Marsh, D. (eds.) The State: Theories and Issues, 2nd edition, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, Chapter 7.
Johansson, E. Brogaard, S. Brodin, L. (2022). Envisioning sustainable carbon sequestration in Swedish farmland. Environmental Science & Policy, 135:16-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.04.005
Linder, N., Giusti, M., Samuelsson, K., Barthel, S. (2022). Pro-environmental habits: An underexplored research agenda in sustainability science. Ambio 51: 46–556. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-021-01619-6
Hahn, T, Koh, N.S., Elmqvist, T. (2022). No net loss of biodiversity, green growth, and the need to address drivers. Preview. One Earth, 5 (June 17), 612-614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2022.05.022
Barthel, S., Colding, J., Hiswåls, A.-S., Thalén, P. & Turunen, P. (2022). Urban green commons for socially sustainable cities and communities. Nordic Social Work Research, 12(2), 310-322, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2021.1947876
Hahn, T., Eggers, J., Subramanian, N., Caicoya, A. T., Uhl, E., Snäll, T. (2021). Specified resilience value of alternative forest management adaptations to storms. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2021.1988140
Stockholms universitet, 2024.
Sjöberg, S., Alfredsson, E., Colding, J., Hahn, T., Malmaeus, M. & Barthel, S. Fairtrans Report, University of Gävle. 2024.
Svensson, H., Wijkman, A., Sylwan, P., Gerremo, I., Hahn, T., Edling, P. Slutrapport från en av KSLA:s klimatgrupper. 2024.
Khan, J., Hildingsson, R., Wahlund, M., and Persson, A. IMES Rapport 138. Lunds universitet. 2024.
Olsson, P., Sivertsson, T. Research Fronts and Insights for Phase 2 from the FAIRTRANS Project. Fairtrans Report, Stockholm Resilience Centre. 2024.
Karlsson, M., Hildingsson, R., Alfredsson, E., Berg Grimstad, A., Lindgren, O. (2023). Presenterad inför Fairtrans Workshop #5, Styrmedel för en verksam och rättvis klimatomställning, Saco, Stockholm, 2024-04-22.
Barthel, S., Karlsson, M. Resultat från Fairtrans enkät om svenskarnas inställning till klimat- och energiomställningen. Fairtrans Report, University of Gävle. 2024.
Alfredsson, E., Malmaeus, M., Lindvall, D., Karlsson, M. 2023.
Colding, J., Sjöberg, S., Barthel, S., Svensson-Wiklander, M., Rex, A., Andersson, P.,. Nordin, K., Hahn, T. 2023.
The Remote Lab 2023.
Malmaeus, M. & T. Hahn. COGITO, 2022
Jones S, I. Fetzer et al. Montpellier/Paris. 2022.
Hahn, T., Fetzer, I., Karlsson, M., Ergon, J., Alfredsson, E., Malmaeus, M., Barthel, S., Colding., J. 2022
Barthel, S. Region Gävleborg, 2021
FAIRTRANS finansieras gemensamt av Mistra och Formas. Formas medel är en del av det nationella forskningsprogrammet för klimat. Läs mer om NFP Klimat.
Forskningsprogrammet Fairtrans, ska med civilsamhällets erfarenheter och engagemang underlätta och påskynda en rättvis klimatomställning.
Kontakt: info@fairtrans.nu